About the conference
RegInnPol 2019
Regional Innovation Policies Conference 2019
Technological change, social innovation, and regional transformation
The 14th edition of the Regional Innovation Policies Conference (RegInnPol2019) will be held at the Campus of Social Sciences of the University of Florence (Italy) on the 7 and 8 of November 2019, with the support of the Department and the School of Economics and Management.
The Conference will focus on the paths of regional transformation that emerge as a response to technological and social change. Sustainability issues require regions to face change by trying to balance economic growth with social innovation. We will discuss the role that regional policies can play within such scenarios, by supporting the creation of new assets and resources, as well as favouring multi-level alignments of visions and interests.
We welcome abstract submissions related to regional innovation policy, in particular in relation to the following themes:
A. Social innovations in local and regional development
B. Technological change and paths of regional transformation
C. "Green" regional development, social and environmental sustainability
D. Evolution of institutions and and organizations in Regional Innovation Systems
E. Place leadership, agency and regional development
F. Global trends, migration flows and local social capital
G. R&D, knowledge and universities in regional path transformation
H. Proximities, agglomerations and networks
I. Multiscalarity of policies for path transformation
J. Analysis and evaluation of regional innovation policies
K. The transformation of cities and industrial districts
L. Regional growth against all odds: regional development outside the main urban centers (special session organized by Rune Dahl Fitjar and Markus Grillitsch)
M. The economic contribution of students to the regional economy (special session organized by Helen Lawton Smith, Sharmistha Bagchi-Sen and Shiri Breznitz)
Please send an abstract of maximum 500 words as a separate file to info@reginnpol2019.unifi.it. Please indicate a suggested track theme
Scientific Committee
Bjørn Asheim (University of Stavanger, Norway)
Marco Bellandi (University of Florence, Italy)
Annalisa Caloffi (University of Florence, Italy)
Rune Dahl Fitjar (University of Stavanger, Norway)
Monica Plechero (University of Florence, Italy)
Manuel Gonzalez Lopez (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
Michaela Trippl (University of Vienna, Austria)
Local organizing committee
Marco Bellandi
Annalisa Caloffi
Letizia Donati
Monica Plechero
Mario Biggeri
Contact details
For any question, please contact the organizing committee at: info@reginnpol2019.unifi.it